
How to fix constant screen freeze in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag Windows 10/11

Today we will be covering how to fix Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag constant screen freeze. Have you been trying to play AC4 and the game freezes? The audio continues but the screen starts to tear. And then it just doesn’t update. Do you find yourself alt-tabbing out and it seems to fix the screen freeze for a short period of time?

Well, we have some great news for you! I have experienced the same issues and have found a fix for the AC4 screen freeze.

If you follow the simple guide below we will get you sailing the seas as a pirate in no time!

  1. Open Assassains Creed IV Black Flag

2. Press alt-control-delete to open a menu.

3. Click on “Task Manager”

4. Locate and Right click on the Assassin’s creed IV Black Flag.exe inside task manager. Click on “Go to details”.

5.Locate the AC4 file inside the details again and right click it. Move down and click on “Set affinity”.

6. It will pull a menu up listing all of your CPU cores. Here you can uncheck a few of your cores. In my case I always set the 2nd and 4th off. and Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag never gives me a issue. The downside is you have to do this every time you open the game.

My overall conclusion of this known bug existing in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is probably due to the game being made at a time where some older games, like AC4, were not designed to efficiently utilize multiple CPU cores, especially beyond 2-4 cores. By reducing the affinity, you limit the number of threads the game can use, which may prevent it from overloading or mismanaging resources across multiple cores.

Games like Black Flag were developed in an era when quad-core CPUs were standard. They may not be optimized for modern CPUs with many cores, leading to issues like freezes when running on a high number of cores.

Check out our other article How to fix Kenways’s Fleet

You can buy Assassain’s Creed IV Black Flag today on steam here –

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